Chi Kid I (new2009) [BL44]


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Level I for ages 5 – 7

Chi Kids Incorporated, in partnership with Master Mantak Chia and Universal Tao, is proud to announce the first line of products designed to teach young kids and their grown-ups the ancient healing art of seated Medical Chi Kung. Chi Kid families are proactive families; therefore these products are designed to be experienced by grown-ups and children together. The power of a Smile is greatly under-rated in many parts of the world. And yet, western doctors acknowledge that sadness and depression inhibit the immune system and in some severe cases may even cause death. If the ailment were sadness and depression, would the preventative medicine not be joyfulness? I assure you, a Smile is far less expensive than a prescription drug and no one has ever damaged their organs, gone through withdrawal or gotten the strength of their Smile dangerously wrong. Smiling Chi (energy) Kung (work) has its roots in ancient Please take this opportunity and spend some “quality” time with a young person and utilize this amazing system to learn about yourself and each other.